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gosnalban Sport

21 مايو 2022

Sport is a complementary weapon to the diet to get a strong and graceful body.
Many researchers in the field of physical fitness have shown that diet alone is not able to lose weight as required, and exercise only may lead us to an imperfect result. Relying on training alone can expose the body to fatigue without reaching the ideal weight. Whereas, if we combine exercise and a healthy diet, we provide the body with its daily needs of vitamins and minerals, and we get a balanced body characterized by strength, flexibility and agility at the same time.
Therefore, the Banana Sport branch was born, which allows everyone to exercise by setting easy home exercises, which can be practiced large and small, and according to the nature of each body and its endurance to perform special exercises, so in the dairy branch (sports with diet) was integrated in Package- VIP so that the results are magical And effective.

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